Friday, November 7, 2008

One down, two to go!

Well we had our first visit today. It lasted about 2 hours and we made it through just fine. They don't think we are crazy yet, so we are still good to go! ha! We really enjoyed talking with our case worker, Vickie, she is very nice. She did ask a lot of questions and write a lot of information down. We had to go through everything in detail. It was kind of exhausting, but well worth it.

Our next meeting will be after Thanksgiving. That meeting will be with us individually. She is going to try and do that visit with us individually, but on the same day. I am anxious to do all of the the visits and get on with the rest of the process, but this all takes time. She is very understanding through, because she and her husband adopted a little girl from China, so she has sat on the other side of the table and knows how it feels to be on this side. That is extremely comforting.

We had lots of phone calls and messages wishing us good luck, and we just wanted to say thank you so very much. Having all of this support definitely makes this process easier.

It was also a special day because it was our first meeting, on Marks birthday! Mark turned 28 today. He got his Dale and Thomas Popcorn that he wanted this morning along with his Vanderbilt car flags. Tonight we are celebrating by cooking fondue at home. Our favorite restaurant is the Melting Pot, but it is even more fun to cook your own fondue at home...cheaper too! ha! Hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

1 comment:

The Florida Morgans! said...

YEAH - I am so happy it went well. I can't wait to hear more about it all! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Yankee/Boston series in Yankee Stadium

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Nursery Pic 2
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The crib